NOTE..kind of important

REMEMBER: Gilly (the author here: an occasional and passionate cook) does not recommend cutting off fingers unless the recipe calls for that sort of thing.

NOTE: this computer is not equipped with chell speck so I am NOT legally liable if there's a pissmrint: if I accidentally list "festering pigs' feet" instead of "warm chocolate" in the ingredients, I am sincerely sorry and good luck with that.

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For those of you young darlingsk who have never seen the musical, Popeye, with Robin Williams, you're just going to have to deal.  For those of you COOL people who appreeshkiate that film I will honor your happy memories and use was meant to be. Here's some good fishk fastk.
SHLIMPS when you really want em now

Ingrediments:  Shlimps - frozen, already cooked (you can totally use freshk or uncooked ones but this   
                        recipe is quick-like easy - I llllllike the medium to large kind
                        Garlicccc - a ton - smashed and ready to go
                        Olive oil (I know not THE Olive Oil - the other one)
ohhhh Popeyyyyye
                        small tomatees - not the tiny grape ones but the larger ones
                        optionimal:  baby spinachk, leftover spinachk, frozen spinachk, save the canned 
                        spinachk for Popeye   
pppppprocess:  Heat up some o.o. in a big pan - the bigger the bettah...not too hot (never burn the garlic, if you do, better throw the whole damned thing overboard or you'll be scrunching up one side of your face and mumbling about some nasty taste in your chomps. Plus Sweet Pea would never go near you again).

After a minute or so, throw in a pile of tomatees. Throw in some salt and peppeh and yell, 'I yam what I yam!!' as you do it.  In a couple of minutesk, before the tomatees get too soft, turn up the heat and throw in your shlimps. Cccccccover.  (If you're using frozen spinachk, best to nuke, then drain it now-add at the very end.)

If you're using fresh spinachk, wait a bit before you throw that in or it'll become limpk and nasty. The second the shlimps seem to be heated thru-don't overcook - remember they are already cooked; you're just basically reheating, throw in that spinachk and uncover. Stir around a bit with the end of your pipe, add more seasoning or some red pepper flakes until it looks delishk.   Serve with quinoa or rice or over pasta or if you're like Popeye, eat it right at the stove from the pan, even if steam comes shooting out of your ears...(you can add a bit of pppesto to it if you're getting real fancy shmancy)  Enjjjjjjoy. 

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