NOTE..kind of important

REMEMBER: Gilly (the author here: an occasional and passionate cook) does not recommend cutting off fingers unless the recipe calls for that sort of thing.

NOTE: this computer is not equipped with chell speck so I am NOT legally liable if there's a pissmrint: if I accidentally list "festering pigs' feet" instead of "warm chocolate" in the ingredients, I am sincerely sorry and good luck with that.

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back from summer

Ay caramba - you poor, starving children, staring at the computer with your fork and knife at the ready!! 
IHungry aplogizes for having taken such a long break - I believe it's on account of having to prepare waayyyy too many dinners consisting only of tomatoes, basil, bread, and corn on the cob. 
(can you say, major-chef-melt-down..?)
 BUT, have no fear, little baby birds, help is on the way.