NOTE..kind of important

REMEMBER: Gilly (the author here: an occasional and passionate cook) does not recommend cutting off fingers unless the recipe calls for that sort of thing.

NOTE: this computer is not equipped with chell speck so I am NOT legally liable if there's a pissmrint: if I accidentally list "festering pigs' feet" instead of "warm chocolate" in the ingredients, I am sincerely sorry and good luck with that.

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For those of you who like the other part of the chicken...namely the very shy egg, you are in luck because I LOVE EGGS...more on that later - 
For now, if you want a great, portable lunch or breakfast item, pack a hard-boiled egg - it's the perfect food. 
study this highly complicated recipe -- your yolks will NEVER turn that unsightly green color EVER.  Martha Stewart will never speak to you again if you serve her another green-yolk egg so get with the program.

lovely hardboiled eggs

place eggs in deep saucepan.
fill with water to cover eggs.
turn stove on to med high-high
bring water to rolling boil.
turn off heat, cover pan, let sit for 20 minutes (if they're really large eggs, wait 30 minutes)
rinse eggs in cold water. put in fridge.
btw, I've gotten way distracted during my egg boils (writing the great American novel, composing another musical production, practicing my Cantonese, watching another episode of Honey boo boo, pouring know usual stuff) and left them (gasp!) for close to 50 minutes and they were absolutely fine. So don't stress out about the time. It would be pretty hard to mess this up. 
ALSO, use the contraband eggs and not the organic, free range, happy eggs - the shells come off easier. Do not ask why, otherwise you might swear off eggs.

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